
Never Alone

  Introduction Time:       For 30+ years, I have been a believer in and a follower of Jesus Christ.  I have seen and experienced many of the good things that can come to us in this life, such as close loyal friends who stay around for a lifetime ( hard to find sometimes in this life),  a loving church family to grow and raise my family in,  the blessings of marriage, of  beautiful children and now, even grandchildren.   I have also experienced hard things, such as illness, facing the possibility of death when cancer reared its ugly head,  separation from loved ones through death, through disagreements, or even distance. I have grieved deeply as a mother with sorrow over the pain and struggles of my children. I have felt their anger and rejection at times, and still felt  my heart throb with pain, because of my love for them.  I have failed those I loved at times, giving in to my own weaknesses,  and have had to face the gut-wrenching truth that my choices hurt someone that I lov